Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mad Rush..

Meet up with Erin and her cousin at Compass Point yesterday coz both of us wanted to make library cards for our kiddos. But it was a mad rush for me coz we were actually supposed to meet on Tue, but my dear friend have got another appointment. So I rushed to get home from work, rushed to get DS laundry into the washing machine, rushed to bath, rushed thru my dinner and rushed to catch the bus. Upon reaching there, we roamed ard Kiddy Palace coz we wanted to get some presents. After that, we decided to get our library card done. It was such a simple procedure but we were told by the librarian that we need to borrow 4 books first to entitle for our free gifts. So after borrowing our books, we proceed happily to the counter coz we were wondering what freebie are we entitled to..Imagine my shock, when the librarian juz passed to us 4 recyclable bag!! I was kinda of disappointed coz maybe I expected slightly better things than the recyclable bag ba. But luckily, Erin really makes my night better coz she such a true friend..Hmmm..too bad she was rushing home, else could have had coffee with her and continue with our talk. Seems that we both of plenty to of topics to talk. Anyway, roam for a short while before we both heeded home.

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