Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Busy over..One white shirt!!

It’s been such a while since I did my last update. Let me briefly summarize ba..

08/09/07 (Sat)
Brought DS to compass point for a shopping trip again. As usual, he was super happy lor..but I’m still searching high & long for a white shirt for him. To think that he got lots of other colour clothes at home except white and our family is going to attend a party on 29.09.07 & the our table theme is white.. Been searching for so long liao yet I have brought none. nice clothing..but some either don’t have DS size or are really ex. lor (Dun want to overspend juz becoz of a party). Think if I really can’t find anything suitable, I will just settle for other colour clothes. So long as me & DH wear the theme colour can liao lar..Dun want to stress myself further.

09/09/07 (Sun)
Brought DS to see a doc coz he was coughing quite badly for the past two nights and it seems like he have got lots of phlegm. Moreover, he vomited out a bit of milk during feeds. We tried to give him some med for phlegm which we have brought from PD previously as standby med. But the med like no effect leh. So me being the paranoid one, decided to bring DS to see doc in case his phlegm got into his lungs. The doc told me that the sound which DS made was not cause by phlegm but by his saliva and he cough is maybe due to the med which we have given him and irritated his throat. Was so relieved to hear that.. Asked doc to take his weight too and sad to said..DS now weigh only 7.9kg nia. Seems like DS only up his weight by 0.1kg per month.
Afternoon went over to my sis hse for a while. Actually, we wanted to go early for lunch but DS slept till 1plus then woke up. Quickly give him his lunch & bath him coz me & DH were staving. Lunch was horrible but was too hungry to be fussy. Reached my sis place abt 4pm & stayed till 5plus before we went over to MIL place for dinner.

10/09/07 (Mon)
Was on leave for a day to do my own stuff after which I met DH for dinner at Suntec. Wow..the Food Republic at Suntec was so nicely decorated and the food there were delicious too. I brought prawn noodle soup which was surprising very good (coz normally I don’t eat soupy stuff), and so was the stir-fried prawn noodle that DH ordered. But food there can be ex lor..DH ordered a cup of tea for $1.50 =p After dinner, we went shopping ard the area as I’m still looking for suitable clothing for DS. Ended up..brought my own stuff instead..Hahaha.

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