Monday, March 16, 2009

Thomas & Friends @ Jurong Point – 15/03/09

DH decided to bring DS again to JP as there is a performance by Thomas & Friends. We reached there at around 11am plus and since the show only starts at 1pm and there was no queue, we decided to have lunch first. However, after our lunch, the queue for the show was very long and thus we decided to just proceed to 2nd storey to watch instead. Luckily, we managed to find a good view and my friend also brought her DD to JP to watch the show but the performance was very short. After the show, DS was initially very shy as he wanted me to carry him but after a while the 2 kiddos were holding hands walking around *so sweet*.

As my friend DH needs to grab a bite, we decided to go to Mac while DH helped us queue for the ride and DS gets to enjoy the fries before we rushed up for the ride. I accompanied the kiddos for the ride and I am glad that both the kids enjoyed the ride. Hope to meet up my friend and her DD soon as her DD was simply too adorable and cute to play with…

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