Monday, February 2, 2009

Luo Hei – 01/02/09

Received a phone call from my family to ask us to go back for dinner (Nasi Lemak & Mee Siam) but DH wanted to watch the Chingay @ AMK instead so we decided that DS will followed me back to TPY while DH will go back to AMK and after the show was finished, DH will then come and picked us home. As DH was afraid of road closure at AMK, we decided to leave for TPY after our lunch. DH also followed us up and stayed to chat with my family.

DS of course was very happy to play with everyone plus he gets to eat lots of New Year goodies. While DS was playing, we decided to have an early dinner. The food was yummy even though its only a simple dish. As I have decided to follow DH back to AMK, we went on with our Luo Hei after our dinner. This is my 2nd time eating Yu Sheng this year, but for DH and DS, it was their first time. DS was excited throughout the whole process of tossing and shouting. He also joined in by kept on saying ‘Huat ar” and after we finished our tossing, DS actually used the chopstick to take a mouthful of Yu Sheng to eat. I am so surprised he knows how to use the chopstick to eat but I actually forgot to take photos of the Luo Hei process.

We left shortly after eating and DS fell asleep on our way back to PIL place. We were lucky to be able to still find a parking lot as we could see a lot of people at the tent opposite PIL house. After dinner, we all went down to watch the Getai first and around 9pm plus, the floats started to arrive. We were able to find a good spot but as we were very near to the lion dance troop, DS have to use 1 hand to cover his ear while the other hand happily waving to all the participants on the float. The floats even stopped for a while and we managed to take some pictures but I left my camera at PIL place so I can only take those pics with my hp and the quality was not that good. I managed to convince DH to rushed up to PIL place to grab my camera but when he returned, the floated started to move off, ended up not much photos was taken. We went up after the floats left but the guys stayed on to watch the Getai. Left PIL place at around 10pm plus and the floats have just arrived my area but as we have already seen the floats earlier on, we decided to head back home to rest. Happy Birthday to all on Ren Ri...Hope all of you have had a wonderful day :)

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