Tuesday, January 27, 2009


1st day – 26/01/09

Though DS slept quite late the day before, he was wide awake by 9am plus so we quickly gave him his milk but ended up, he vomited all out. So gave him some bread followed by his med for his flu and cough. We got ready and left the hse by 11am plus to visit PIL place. Reached there and there will already some guest at PIL place and shortly after we came, DH cousin etc started to come too and it was so crowded. DS was having so much fun that he refused to asleep till about 4pm plus and by the time we woke up around 6pm plus, we have to quickly rushed over to TPY as my relative was already there and as usual, we were the last to arrive and have our dinner. (But in our hurry to TPY, our car actually met with a small accident, which DH is now totally heart-broken).

While we were having dinner, my aunt and family decided to go back first and so I didn’t have time to actually chat with my cousin and play with her son :( After our dinner, they decided to have a game of majong but since my 2nd sis and family was not around, there was nobody to play cards so I could only watch those kiddos play. The majong session ended around 10pm and DH was lucky to win some $$…but our night didn’t ended so early as we still went to SIL place after that to sit around till 12am..

2nd day – 27/01/09

Since, there were no more visiting to be done, DS and I slept till past 12noon and all of us just laze around the house until we left for the River Ang Pow at around evening time...

3rd day – 28/01/09

Office was closed for a day so I am able to bring DS to school and find out how he was coping in class. Teacher told me that Jayden is ok in class and he have also adapted to school life. After DS went in the class, DH and I went to the foodcourt to have our brunch and later I went back to school to continue to 'peek' at DS while waiting for his class to end. Realised that DS didn't even pay attention in class as he kept walking here and there and that teacher have to keep calling his name.. Around evening time, we went to Compass point for our dinner and some shops were still closed for the holidays. Didn't shopped for very long time as I have to get ready for work the next day.

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