Sunday, January 25, 2009

Reunion Dinner

Woke up early than usual to continue spring-cleaning the house, as we will be reunion dinner at PIL place later the day..DS woke up worse than yesterday, his flu was pretty bad that his nose was like running tap and he started to develop cough too..As usual, once he have cough, he will vomited out all his milk so its cleaning and more cleaning.

Managed to finish all my chores around 5pm but DS was still sleeping and we decided to let him sleep a while more as the medicine might have caused him to be drowsy. Decided to wake DS up at 6pm as BIL called to inform us that everybody is ready for the dinner. So we rushed down and soon it’s was dinner time. MIL cooked a table full of yummy food but DS was so cranky that he just refused to sit in his high chair and wanted DH to carry him. So I quickly have my dinner first and after that its my turn to look over DS..But once everybody finished their dinner, DS began to ‘warm’ up and started playing with his cousin. We started our ang pow exchange shortly and stayed at PIL place till 11pm plus…

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