Monday, January 5, 2009

1st lesson

I was on leave again on Monday (05/01/09) to accompany DS to school. He woke up around 9am plus so gave him his milk at 10plus. We actually wanted to shower him before his class but he refused so we just sponge bath him and changed him into his school uniform. As we were walking to school, we saw a few of his schoolmate who have just returned from their classes (1st session: 9am – 11am) and it was so cute to see them all dress in red. We were earlier than Friday so DS wanted DH to bring him to playground to play first.

Class started promptly at 11.15am and so off we went to classroom but before we could enter the class, DS need to wash his hand first which one auntie would help the children washed their hands. After everyone was in the class, the teacher started the lesson with a welcome song followed by the lesson theme that was things in red. DS was quite responsive in class but when the teacher gave them lego to play, he was still very ‘sticky’ to me and he just refused to sit and play with other kids but I managed to coax him to play and sit down till it was his time to do his colouring. He managed to do quite a fair bit of colouring (his first attempt at colouring) and of course, it was very messy but at least he managed to follow the teacher instruction. The rest of the lesson was spent singing songs and story telling time. Classes ended at 1pm and teacher gave all students an apple and a vcd to bring home.

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