Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Hmmmm…I know I haven’t update my blog for sooooooo long but that’s because there wasn’t any happening things recently and now most of the time we would stay at home or just pop over to SIL place as I would be so tired to go out.

DS also on the other hand wasn’t in pink of health recently. Kept having flu, cough and fever. To make things worse, DS wouldn’t want to take his medicine. Every feeding time is like a battling time as he would struggle, cry etc and it would always end with vomits on the floor due to too much crying.

Wow..DS coming to 30mth already. When DS is good, he really melts your heart but when he is naughty, he really drives you mad. Anyway, I just hope that he will continue to be mummy’s good boy and grow up happily and healthily.

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