Thursday, July 23, 2009

Trip to KKH

This trip actually happened last month but I thought I was forgotten to re-post, as my 1st entry was gone mysteriously.

20/06/09 (Sat)
DS felt feverish and my thermometer was spoilt so couldn’t get a reading for his temperature. Fed his some fever med but was again wasted as he vomited all out.

21/06/09 (Sun)
DS seems ok already. We thought heat monster have left so brought DS to E-Hub for the ferris wheel ride & Escape Theme Park for some fun (but we didn’t stay for too long as they don’t allow preggy women on all the rides). Went back to MIL place again for dinner.

22/06/09 (Mon)
DS complain of toothache and heat monster returns…We gave him the fever med but still DS refused no matter how we coax him to drink. No choice, let DS self-heal himself as we thought he was having his molar teeth.

23/06/09 (Tue)
Heat monster & toothache remains plus now DS started to have watery stools and he also complain of stomach pain. DH brought DS to the clinic downstair but doc confirm that DS was not having his molar but rather he had got an ulcer. There was no more fever so doc gave med for his diarrhoea and some cream for his ulcer. Back home, DS diarrhoea had gone from bad to worse esp during the night.

24/06/09 (Wed)
DH decided to bring DS to KKH A&E to see doctor, as we were worried that prolonged diarrhoea will be a serious. So rushed down to KKH at around 4am plus and we were lucky that the waiting time was not so long. Can see that there was some renovation done, as now the hospital is nicer. Doctor said that as long as we keep DS hydrated it is ok and there is no med to stop diarrhoea so we can only wait till he built up his immune system to this virus. But at least, DS was more co-operative during this visit to the doctor. Left the hospital by 5am plus. All in all, DS took about a week to recover from his dirrhoea and his tummy was flatten due to this… But it wouldn’t be long before his tummy budge out again..hahaha

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