Thursday, July 23, 2009

Animal Farm & NDP Preview

After weeks of wanting to bring DS to the animal farm near Seletar, we finally went there. The farm was a bit ulu but we managed to find it eventually. The farm was small but DS was still very excited to see those animals (Horse, Goats, Goose, Duck, Rabbit etc). He even patted them and after seeing the dogs at the grooming center, we decided to leave the place as I was badly bitten by the mosquitoes. Just then, an uncle came up to us asking if we would want the tickets to NDP preview, as he couldn’t make it that day.

Since we have no agenda for the day, we accepted the tickets and rushed for to Marina Bay as we have to be seated by 5.45pm. We reached there on time and were lucky to be given the red seats, as the seats are located at the center of the stage. Once the parade started, DS was very excited, waiving his flag and beating the props provided. Could see that he was enjoying himself. But there was one segment on terrorism and that was when DS started to cling onto DH as there were gunshots and some fireworks. We managed to pacify him a bit before he wanted to sit down again to watch the parade again. But it was not too long before he cling onto DH again as now it was the gunfire that frighten him. Luckily, my packet of biscuit managed to do the trick and once again he was coaxed back to his seat. DS missed the firework performance too as the loud sound really terrified him and moreover, it was way past his naptime and he was very grouchy.

After the show, we went back to Suntec to have our dinner and headed straight home after that. Overall, I really enjoyed this year performance as this year theme was more to the musical show and watching it ‘live’ really makes it more special.

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