Monday, August 17, 2009

Kukup Trip

During the National Day Holiday (09/08/09 – 10/08/09), we went to Kukup with DH family and friends (ard 30plus ppl). At first, I thought DS couldn’t stand the long bus ride as the last trip to Batam still leave a bad memory in me but luckily, this trip DS was still ok. We left Singapore ard 7.30pm plus and only reach Kukup during lunch time.

Had seafood for lunch before proceeding to the resort to rest. The resort is not very nicely furnished but at least still got recreation facilities such as Karaoke and Mahjong. DS gets to play with the kids (he just refused to nap) while I proceed with my Mahjong. Night time, we had BBQ food but poor DS couldn’t eat most of the food as it is all spicy. After dinner, while everyone was having fun playing firecrackers, I stayed in the room playing with DS as he was afraid of the loud sound. We finally managed to coax DS to bed at 1am plus.

DH and I woke up ard 7am plus to have breakfast after which DH went to roam ard the place with his sisters and PIL. DS woke up around 8am plus and after that DH brought him to the mangrove swamp for a walk. After they returned around 12pm plus, we checked out from the resort and went for seafood lunch again. Left Kukup around 2pm plus and only reach Singapore at 5pm plus. Think this trip will last me a few more years before I get to travel again.

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