Monday, August 24, 2009

Daisy 21st Birthday Celebration

Super tired today as we went to attend Daisy’s 21st Birthday party at NUSS Suntec City Guild Hse last night (23/08/09). Though the party only started at 6.30pm but we were already at Suntec at around 2pm plus to roam around. Managed to ‘force’ DS to his dreamland and he slept for about an hour plus before we met 2nd Sis for coffee cum chit- chat session first before proceeding to the venue.

The theme for the party is Hat party so DS and I each wore a cap / hat and we were seated together with the birthday girl classmate from NUSS at Table 4. The party was great and DS gets to participate at the dancing segment. But as he is too young to understand the rules and regulation, he didn’t get to win any prizes but can see that he enjoys himself very much because he kept wanting to get on stage and perform his break dance.. Hahaha.. Everyone started to comment how good DS dancing was and even Daisy’s classmate asked me whether want to send him to any hip hop dance class *faints*

We left shortly after the cake cutting session, which was already closed to 11pm and reached home before 12midnight. Quickly showered DS and after settling everything, we all went to bed closed to 1am..So now I am typing this post with my mind half asleep (^o^) yawn

To my dearest cousin, Daisy: Thanks for inviting us to your party and we hope you had as much fun as we had last night. Watching your video last night brought back many fond memories that we used to share in the past…Over the years, you have grown and mature a lot. I wish all the best in whatever you do and stay young, funky forever!!

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