Thursday, September 3, 2009

Evelynn 21st Birthday & Cable Car Ride

Yes, we went to attend another 21st Birthday Party again on Saturday 29/08/09. This time is DH niece birthday and it was held at her hse BBQ pit. We had buffet and BBQ but due to many cats lurking around the area waiting to be fed, I decided to bring DS up to the hse so that we can relax a bit. We stayed till 11pm plus before heading home.

On Sunday, we went for the cable car ride again since DS enjoyed his ride during our last trip. Actually, we were contemplating whether to bring DS for the ride because it was raining when we left the house but luckily the rain subsided around late noon. We decided not to drop off at any destination since we have already been to all those places and moreover it was still drizzling. So basically, it was a joy ride and photo taking session for us in the cabin.

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