Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Long weekend

Always loved long weekend as I rest and spent more time with DS. We are filled with activities over last long weekend

Saturday (19/09/09)
It’s DH niece big day..Yeah, she and her BF have finally settled down after 9 years of courtship (even longer than me and DH relationship). As I can’t go to her house to see her 出嫁, we only reached SIL house at around 11am plus for the tea ceremony. The bride didn’t come back till 2pm so I spent my time playing Majong again.

We rushed back after the tea ceremony as I wanted to let DS have his nap before the wedding dinner @ 6.30pm. DS managed to nap for an hour plus before I woke up again to get him prepared. We will a bit late but luckily, we still managed to witness the couple solemnization. It was so sweet and touching when they exchange the vows. As usual, though the wedding invitation card states that dinner will be served at 7.30pm but the dinner didn’t starts till 8.30pm..Luckily, I had some food before the dinner but for DS, can see he was quite hungry already. Dinner ends at around 11pm plus and we sent PIL back. By the time we reached home, it was already midnight and I was so tired after a long day.

Sunday (20/09/09)

Decided to bring DS to East Coast Beach for some fun. The beach was crowded as it was a public holiday. We decided to have lunch at Mac first and after that, we brought DS to the beach for some fun. DH even brought DS to swim in the sea also and can see both of them having a wonderful bonding time swimming and building sandcastles. Really love and treasured those quality time that we spent as a family (^o^)

Monday (21/09/09)

Met up with the confinement lady sister at Compass Point to pass her the deposit. Hope that the confinement lady will be good as I have not used her before and contacts were obtained from the net. After that, we decided tabao lunch to SIL place and while we were having our lunch, PIL dropped by too. BIL asked if we want to go swimming at SAFRA Yishun since we have no programme on, we decided to join in too. So off we went back home to collect all our swimming stuff and we met them there. DS truly enjoyed himself and we had a hard time trying to get him out off the pool as he was having fun on the slide and the Jacuzzi pool. After the swim, we all went over to BIL place for dinner and left the place around 9pm plus.

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