Saturday, February 6, 2010

Busy with activities

I know I haven't been blogging very frequently (as usual) because since DS went to school, I have been busier. Busier because DS is sick more frequently and worse, he brought the virus home too and to prevent DD from being sick, I have to ensure that DS dun get to close to DD. But still DD was oso sick with flu and cough in Jan and seeing how she struggled with her med makes me so heartpain. Also, since DS is in school during the day time, DH and I makes use of this time to go out. We've been to Resort World, Chinatown, Bishan etc and shopping during weekday is such an enjoyment as we can avoid the crowds.

Very fast, DS is in school for 1mth plus but he still refused to go to school every morning. We have to use many ways to coax him to school. As for his performance in school, the feedback tha I've gotten from the teachers are that DS is a very soft spoken boy and he doesn't interact much with his friends. He also don't like to write or colour and he still can't hold his writing materials well (teacher have to hold his hand to guide him). Hmmm, getting very worried for DS as I also think DS pronounciation is not very accurate too. Maybe, I haven't been teaching him much as now we still have DD to look after. I just hope he will improve and overcome the above problems as times goes by.

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