Monday, June 15, 2009


Last Sat ( 13/06/09), brought DS for to a DUCKtour trip @ Suntec since we have free complementary adults tickets. So together with DH and family (a total of 11 adults + 1 toddler), we boarded the 1700hours tour. DS of course was very excited and I got to keep grabbing hold of him as he kept leaning over the side to see the water. The land tour was not as fascinating and interesting compare to the sea trip.

After the ride, we went to have our dinner and off we went to esplanade for a walk before proceeding to boat quay. It was a long and tiring walk as DS wanted to be carry instead of walking on his own (Super Lazy Bum!!). Luckily, there were many people to help us lightening our burden. We went back at 11pm plus and DS only slept at 1am in the morning!! What a tiring day for all of us.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Yes..I am pregnant. Now its over 3rd mth plus so my first trimester is over (had bad morning sickness). It might came as a surprise for my friend to read about my pregnancy since my friends should know that its always me who is keen on having another baby but luckily managed to convince DH to give another ‘try’.. Anyway, better do my updates before I forgot all the details:

28/03/09 (Sat) – Brought a test kit from colleague and tested ‘positive’. Visted Dr. Adrian but he wasn’t in..

04/04/09 (Sat) – Dr. Adrian confirmed my pregnancy and was given EDD 25/11/09. Also a November baby.

11/05/09 (Mon) – Went to Thomson for detailed scan..Everything is fine and EDD is now on 19.11.09 (closer to DS birthday)

Will go for another checkup 3 weeks time and by then the gender of the baby should be known..Hope this will be a girl. Anyway, regardless of boy or long as healthy can already. November will be a busy mth for me in future.. Hahaha.