Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas is coming

Christmas will be here in about a weeks time..Let me first blog about my kids birthday party on 14/11 (Sun)

The day started around 8am for us. DH and I decorated the place with banner and ballons..Next after DD had her shower, we let her choose the 7 things (book, money, scissors, pen, drumstick, calculator and ruler) that will represent her future..and she choose drumstick (but I forgotten what it means already)..Her bro used to chose book and he really is into reading so I think my DD will be a glutton next time..haha

After lunch, we headed of to collect DS ice cream cake from Swensen's first. As it was raining heavily, DH decided to drop me back home first and he will collect DD cake from Pine Garden himself.

Luckily, the rain stopped shortly and DH came back with DD cake soon after. It wasn't long before the food and the guests came. It was just a simple family gathering and I was glad that the guest enjoyed the food and cake. Most importantly, I think my two kids have a great time that night as so many people sang birthday song to them..It was definately a wonderful nite.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Time really flies..In about a month's time, DD will be turing 1 and DS will be 4. As usual, I think I will celebrate the kids birthday at my humble house and will be inviting family members since my house is kinda small to invite my friends too. I will be ordering ice cream cake for DS and for DD, I am still thinking though time is running out. Now that DD is already 11mths, let me recall her milestone till date.

- Able to stand on her without support for a few seconds.
- Walk a few baby steps with support although she still prefers to crawl as her speed is super fast.
- Able to nod and shake her head.
- When we said "bye bye", she will open and close her fingers and when asked to do a flying kiss, she will put her hand over her mouth.
- Knows how to say papa, mum-mum, ah pek..
- Loves music and likes to dance.
- She knows how to push herself around the house in her kiddy car.
- When she wants to go down from the bed, she will turn her body to ensure her legs touches the ground first.
- Able to throw and roll a ball.
- Recognised everybody family members and will pass things to them when asked to.
- Do funny face expression such as smile till her eyes are all closed up, etc.
- Climb up the window grills *faints*

Can't wait for my DD to start walking but that means more tiring to look after her as she is more active compare to her brother but every minute spent with her is worth it for she is such a little sweetie pie.

For DS, I can also see a lot of improvement in him. Both my sis commented that he can express himself better when he is on the phone. Then DS can also go to the toilet on his own and he is so much independent now.

I just love both the kids to the max..

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The kids are sick

Again..the kids are sick!! DS caught the fever virus first and his sister caught from him too (never ending cycle). Brought DD to see doc today and her fever was around 39.4. Was so worried as she was still young thus can easily develop fits. After medication, her fever came down but she still feel feverish. She super grouchy today and cries at the slightest thing. Just hope that she can recover fast and that both kids will be stronger and healthier too :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Memories Lane

Ooops..its been months since I did my last update..I didn’t know where to start as so many things have happened during the last 1 mth plus.. Ok..time to recall the events..

26 to 27 June 2010 (Sat & Sun)
DH went to Malaysia with his brother during the weekend but because DS still have his phonics class, I decided to give it a miss but I need to bring DS to class all alone. We took taxi instead of driving as I have no confident in my skills at all! The taxi fare was so ex but luckily, I managed to con DH some $$ before he left for his trip. At night, I invited my sis over for dinner and we had yummy chicken rice.

DH was back from his trip and he brought home kwuay, crackers, shoes for DS and waist pouch for himself..but sad to say, nothing for me and DD coz he said nothing much for the gals.. *sigh..think next time will juz go for shopping trip on my own*..

3 July (Sat)
We got tickets for the NDP rehearsal and so I decided to forgo 1 week of the phonics lesson. As it was drizzling throughout the whole evening plus it’s the 1st time mass rehearsal, there was not much atmosphere in it. Overall, didn’t enjoy the parade as much as I hope I will be.

4 July (Sun)
We brought the kids to Sentosa beach for a day of play in the sand. DS of course enjoyed himself very much..Had a fun time digging the sand and playing in the water. We brought DD to play water too but she was to young to have fun. Nevertheless, it’s the family bonding time that I treasure with them :)

11 July 2010 – 16 July 2010.
Got a complimentary baking lesson at Genius R Us @ City Square Mall through a lucky draw. Glad that DS enjoyed his bakery class as thought it will be more enjoyable for gals. Roamed around the shopping center before we proceed back to MIL place. At night, we ealized that DS started to have spots on his hands and foot. He also complain mouth painful..

Brought him to see doc again in the morning as heat monster was back. Doctor diagnosed it was HFM…OMG!! I prayed hard that he will recover in time becoz !7 July, we are going to USS. He only had a few spots but his ulcers in his mouth was causing more discomfort. Luckily, he recovered within 4 days and we brought him back to the doctor to certified that he is ok. USS here we come..

17 July 2010 (Sat)
Universal Studio…It’s the day that I have been looking forward but the day started with a heavy rain DH also complain of gastric pain. However, after medication, he was much better and was able to join us. We had sumptuous breakfast with my colleague before we went to explore the Theme Park on our own. We didn’t take many rides as I was busy queuing to taking photos with those characters. Managed to watch the 4D Shrek Show though but DS didn’t enjoy it as he was frighten by the movement of the chair.
Anyway, we stayed at the Theme Park till 10 plus to watch the fireworks. Think the rides and show were too thrilling for DS for he kept having nightmare on the night itself plus he even wet the bed (think too tired to wake up to go toilet). The theme park was worth going and I will definitely return but only when the kids are older so that they will be able to truly have fun and enjoy themselves.

28 July 2010 (Wed)
DS was not feeling well as he was coughing badly. Decided to take leave and brought him to the PD. Brought DD along as she needed to take her jab too. PD diagnosed DS with mild bronchitis so he needed to take the neb. Luckily, he didn’t struggle and after the puff, he was feeling better. DD was 8mth plus and she weighs 7.8kg and her height is already 70cm. Left the clinic with $300 plus poorer but health is all that matters.

29 August 2010 (Sunday)
Brought the 2 kids & maid out to the Zoo. It have been so long since we last went (think about 2 years ago). Anyway, the trip is more enjoyable to DS as we brought him to the water playground to play and also he likes to see those animals. However, due to the rain, our journey was slower thus we miss quite a few animals’ shows. Luckily, we will be going again in October so next time, I will definitely go watch the shows then explore the zoo.

10 Sept 2010 (Friday)
It’s a PH so we decided to go to Sentosa beach and also RWS with PIL, SIL & family. However, the day also started with drizzling and so it caused lots of inconvenienced to us. Nevertheless, DS again enjoyed himself at the beach because he loves playing with the sand. As for DD, she was busy looking everywhere and being carried around by so many people. It was indeed a fun filled family gathering outing. Looking forward for our next trip again.

Monday, June 21, 2010

DD Injection & Review

Just came back from the PD. Today, brought DD for her injection & review. At 7mths and 7 days old, she now weighs 7.35kg and her height is 68.4cm. PD gave her 6-in-1 and her pneumococcal injection and she had to have her buttock poke twice. PD said she can start on porridge any time as she is now eating cereal & puree food already. However, I don't think I will start her on porridge till she is about 8th mth plus ba.

Oh, my poor little gal had a fall 2 weeks back. She fell from my bed to the floor which is luckily not that high compare to last time DS fall. She crawled from the mattress to the bed and went to the other side of the bed and landed on the floor. Had a bad cried and a bump on her head. Hmmm, her crawling speed is now so much faster and well developed that sometimes, she will crawl from the living room to the kitchen to look for my maid. *faints* We really have to keep a hawk eye on her everytime. The only thing she doesn't have now is her tooth..She have been drooling and bitting since 4mth plus that I thought she should have her first tooth out soon but till date, no sign of her little tooth spouting out.

Let me recall eher milestone till date (7mth plus)
- able to recognise people. Likes to play and disturb DS
- able to pull herself to stand position
- from crawling position, able to sit up herself
- likes to make clicking of tongue sound
- when she doesn't get what she wants, will show angry face by stiffing up her body and 'scolding' you by using her baby language
- likes to make sound by saying 'ba ba ba' or 'da da da'
- likes her food served fast

I think that's about all ba but watching her grow day by day is such a joy and I really enjoy and savour every precious moment with her.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Me :)

YES!! I am so happy becoz my blog is up again. I have been wanting to post for so long but somehow I have problem signing in. It even says that my blog have been deleted and I was so upset becoz DS & DD growing up stages have been recorded here and all the wonderful & precious pictures are also in it. Glad that everything have been resolved.

Let's see, DD is now coming to 7mths and I have started her on cereral when she turned 6mths old (15/05/10) and she simply loves her food. So far, I am starting slow on her food variety compare to DS time as many ppl said it is better to start later. DD can also crawl now but she is crawling using her tummy as it can help to'push' her forward. Whenever, she saw DS playing with toys, she would also want to get her little hands on it. But maybe she is much more active now, I think she does look so pui now compare to last time. Of course, healthy is more impt.

As for DS, since he started school, he began to sing songs & rhythms more often in Chinese. Also, sometimes his wacky action & answers never fails to make you laugh. He is also 100% off diapers at night now but yesterday, he actually wet the bed :( and the whole family have to wake up and clean the mess. But ever since DS started with i-creative learner, I became more busy as I have to help him with his homework, scrap book and also the flash cards. For flash cards, it is the most difficult as he always have a problem recognisation and remembering the words. It's very stressful for both of us. Luckily, DS is having 3 weeks break before my stress comes again.

Yeah..2molo is a holiday so I can spend more time with my children & relax myself. Pics will be uploaded soon. Let's all enjoy the long weekend.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Review & Injection

Just brought DD for her injection and review. Now that she is 4mths & 3weeks old, she weighs 6.6kg & her height is 66.5 cm. I thought she was heavier than DS but when I brought out DS health booklet to compare...DS weighs slightly more even when DS assessment was done much earlier than DD. Never mind, being healthy is more impt. DD now can roll over at a much faster speed and somehow, she always managed to turn herself around the bed...She is also trying to pull herself up. So fast, DD will be 5mths in about a few days time.

As for DS, he has so far attended 2 lessons with i-creative learner. So far, he is ok but when its come to flash card, I always have a problem trying to get him remember the words and as a result, both of us felt so stress up. I really felt bad because I should have been more patient with him but its really fustrating trying to get him to remember the words even after many tries. Arrghh..this is start of education pressure.

For me, I am back to office for about a mth plus now. However, when I just returned back to work, I caught a fever bug that lasted for about a week. The fever was so high that my temperature soared up to 39.4. The doc thought I had dengue fever. Luckily, it turned out to be false alarm but I had also passed the fever bug to DD and ended up, she had also had a high fever two weeks back. So after this episode, I just wish for my family good health and happinese :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Back to work

Wow..CNY have come & go in just a wink. Even my 16 weeks of maternity leave is all used up and I will be back to work tomorrow. Kinda of feeling a bit sad coz I love lazing around the house, playing with the kids & doing nothing at times.. But no choice, have to eat plus now with so many mouth to feed.. I just have to chase away my lazy bug in me.

DS have settled quite well in school now. He now no longer whined when goes to school *cross fingers* and he have made some remarkable progress in communication skills. Though, his pronunciation is still a big problem but at least he can express himself better now and his wacky replies at times never fails to make everyone laugh. Even since he went to school, we can see he has grown to be much more independent. He can go toilet on his own now and he is diapers-free at night too. He is able to brush his teeth on his own and knows how to bath himself too (but not very clean lor..hahaha). He now feeds himself during meal times and goes to bed early too.. However, he still have to hone his motor skill as he is still not able to hold his writing materials in the correct way.

As for DD, she is now 3mths plus and one side of her head looks flatter than the other and also, her neck is still not steady yet so we are now trying to give her lots of tummy time. Hopefully, she will improve by her next visit to the PD. Now DD just loves to put things inside her mouth so now we have to watch her like a hawk. DD have also done her FIRST roll over on 2nd day of CNY (15.02.09) and I was glad to have witness this physical development. But after her first attempt, she just refused to do it again until recently she started rolling over again.

Arrgh..I will definitely miss both the kids when I get back to work.

Here's some of the kids recent pics :)

Friday, February 12, 2010

CNY round the corner

CNY is here again..We will be ushering the year of Tiger in a few more hours. This year, no spring cleaning for me to do *Yipee* and tonight, we will be going to PIL place for reunion dinner. This year we will have an additional family member to join in and that person is my DD.. Also, this year, beside the usual relative house visiting, we will also be going to DH friend's gathering (details to be updated). Very fast, tomorrow DD will be 3 mths old already.. Let me recall her progress till date

- able to flip to her tummy if lay her sideways.
- loves to talk to people and have her gor gor around her
- can put her whole hand into her mouth and eat her mini 'drumstick'
- neck still not stable which I am very worried so will ask PD during her next checkup in March

Think that's about all.. Meanwhile, let me wish everyone a Happy & Prosperous Chinese New Year!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Busy with activities

I know I haven't been blogging very frequently (as usual) because since DS went to school, I have been busier. Busier because DS is sick more frequently and worse, he brought the virus home too and to prevent DD from being sick, I have to ensure that DS dun get to close to DD. But still DD was oso sick with flu and cough in Jan and seeing how she struggled with her med makes me so heartpain. Also, since DS is in school during the day time, DH and I makes use of this time to go out. We've been to Resort World, Chinatown, Bishan etc and shopping during weekday is such an enjoyment as we can avoid the crowds.

Very fast, DS is in school for 1mth plus but he still refused to go to school every morning. We have to use many ways to coax him to school. As for his performance in school, the feedback tha I've gotten from the teachers are that DS is a very soft spoken boy and he doesn't interact much with his friends. He also don't like to write or colour and he still can't hold his writing materials well (teacher have to hold his hand to guide him). Hmmm, getting very worried for DS as I also think DS pronounciation is not very accurate too. Maybe, I haven't been teaching him much as now we still have DD to look after. I just hope he will improve and overcome the above problems as times goes by.

Monday, January 11, 2010

DS starts school

Yes..this is my 1st entry for Year 2010. DS have started going to cc but as usual, he still can't adapt to school. Though its already week 2 but he is still crying whenever he sees us leave the school. But no choice, he have to learn how to adapt and hopefully he will outgrown his separation anxiety soon. So now with DS in school, me and DH have more time for ourself. We would sometimes go shopping, watch movie and even swimming (back to par tok days)
As for DD, she is coming to 2 mths already. She loves people to talk to her and she will responses back.. Some of the photos I took for the kids recently..